Tag Archives: micro-blogging

Twitter goes mainstream at the BBC

Great to see twitter in use at the BBC’s new “Today Programme” website

Micro-blogging is the generic name for the twitRecent twitter post by the Radio 4 Today teamter phenomenon.

Your twitter account is a micro-blog with small updates from your daily life – things you spot, what you’re up to. You send “tweets” via web or text message to update it. Friends “follow” your twitter blog to see what you’re up to.

It’s biggest usage is in Facebook statuses where users micro-blog what they’re up to “Toby is cleaning the house, Toby is watching the football” and so on. Often these are more twit than wit but they are a popular way of staying in touch with friends without actually talking to them.

It’s very early days for micro-blogging but it’s likely to be as influential as blogs but in the friend space – I tried a quick test with “Toby wants to know what digital camera to buy” Within minutes two friends (not techies) had responded with suggested product choices. Micro-blogging might be the right tool to bring my friends and their experience with me when I visit the shops.